A Unique combination to boost fertility by improving Ovulation and also Endometrial receptivity.
Rhizofem produce mature follicle with healthy endometrium
Produce better estrogen, progesterone level indicating healthier ovulation and greater chances of implantation
The endometerium living significantly thicker with Rhizofem
Higher pregnancy rate.
Reduces adverse effects of cc
Produce balance LH/FSH ratio
Increase rich fruitful, productive and fertile cervical mucus.
1. Cimicifuga racemosa 40 mg
2. L Cartinine 100 mg
3. Arginine 500 mg
4. Ternera diffusa 50 mg
5. Zinc Sulphate 45 mg
6. Ginkgo Biloba 25 mg
7. Nicotinamide 7 mg